Cauldron - A Military History Podcast

*Bonus* Battle Blunders - The Retreat From Kabul

Episode Summary

This is the first episode of a new series exclusive for Tier 3 Patreon Producers. In this series, I'll be breaking down the biggest blunders in military history, from the Charge of the Light Brigade to Kasserine Pass and more.

Episode Notes

Each of the contests in this series will showcase a martial failure from generals unfit to command or overly confident of their abilities to simple poor planning and the untimely (often unwanted) intervention of meddlesome politicians.  I'm going to tell the story of the battle, just like a regular Cauldron episode, but I'll be going deeper into the events' command and control aspect. Like the main Cauldron show, this series will bounce through time and travel all over the globe. A Roman army annihilated in Germany's dark forests to a modern French army's surrender in Vietnam's rainforests. From the slaughter of French knights at Crecy to the fearsome floating German paratroopers above Crete, I plan on diving into these fascinating failures, always intending to figure out why or how they happened.